Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Skin lightening creams – Making people fairer or simply being racist?

How often do you feel the need to apply skin lightening creams on your face? Is it only because of the pressure of society or do you do it because you want to? These are some hard-hitting questions that have surfaced as the market of skin lightening creams has grown.

Today, not only women but men too feel a need to apply a skin lightening cream. There are advertisements that compel people to use these creams and become fair. Huge multinational companies use people's need to have fairer skin than others, to make a profit. These companies make Skin Lightening Cream For Men as well as Skin Lightening Cream For Women.

Companies try to sell these creams with different advertisements which highlight their product's different USPs. For instance, a skin lightening cream for women would highlight how soft the skin feels after applying the cream and how much glow I will have. Whereas, the same company would highlight how their cream works on rough skins while selling skin lightening cream for men.

These skin lightening cream companies make so many sales because of the fear people have regarding their skin color. People with dark-colored skin feel shy to talk to people and do not have a lot of confidence because of the way the advertisements portray them. These ads show dark skin as a setback and try to prove to people that only with lighter skin can a person achieve what he/she desires.

Being a smart customer, it is our duty to not fall in such advertisement traps and believe them blindly. What everyone should understand is that we should only opt for genuine companies such as Suhani fairness cream which does not market its products for moneytary basis. The products are made of natural ayurvedic components which also offer certain health benefits as well in the long run.